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Entity Framework Core Project

The EntityFrameworkCore project contains the storage provider specific implementation of the API services used by the Service Brick. It has a reference to the [Module] and ServiceBrick.Storage.EntityFrameworkCore NuGet packages.

Default File Structure


This folder contains the Domain Object classes used by the storage providers to store persistent data. By default, it will contain one file for each Domain Object being exposed, named [DomainObject Name].cs.


This folder contains (2) two files.

  • ApplicationBuilderExtensions.cs - Provides extension methods for RegisterBrick() and StartBrick()
  • ServiceCollectionExtensions.cs - Provides extension method for AddBrick()


This folder contains the AutoMapper Profile classes used to map data from a DomainObject to a Data Transfer Object. By default, it will contain one file for each Domain Object to DTO relationship, named [DomainObject Name]MappingProfile.cs.


This folder contains (2) two files.

  • [Module Name]EntityFrameworkCoreConstants.cs - Defines shared constants
  • [Module Name]EntityFrameworkCoreModule.cs - Implements the IModule interface


This folder contains business rules defined for the Service Brick. By default, it will contain one file used to map the StorageKey property to the primary key of the Domain Object. It is named [DomainObject Name]QueryRule.cs.


This folder contains the API service implementation for the domain object. By default, it will contain one file for each Domain Object, named [DomainObject Name]ApiService.cs.


This folder contains storage provider-specific repository functionality for the Service Brick. By default, it will contain one file, named [Module Name]StorageRepository.cs.